That's us!

The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn at Paderborn University is an interdisciplinary research and innovation network in which companies and science jointly research and implement digital innovations. We develop solutions for completely new challenges in our digital society, but also implement application-oriented concepts and systems in an efficient, secure and scalable manner. With the new construction of Zukunftsmeile 2 (ZM2), we have realised a joint research campus where we are developing digital innovations in a particularly effective and agile way through close networking between science and business. We see the close collaboration between business and science as a key success factor in transforming research findings into marketable innovations.

Re­search & In­nov­a­tion Cam­pus

The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn sees itself as a place for research and innovation, knowledge transfer and personnel development. It is motivated by the particular importance of software for an increasingly networked society.

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Or­gan­isa­tion­al struc­ture of the SICP

The successful stimulation of software-driven innovations with a pronounced transdisciplinary knowledge context and the development of future-proof software-intensive systems require suitable forms of cooperation between science and industry.

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Soft­ware In­nov­a­tion Lab (SI-Lab)

The SI-Lab is a central scientific institution of Paderborn University, an interdisciplinary research institution and as such part of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn.

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Ex­tern­al ad­vis­ory board

An important committee of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn is the External Advisory Board. Its members support and advise those responsible for the SICP, in particular the ten-member SICP Steering Committee, half of which is made up of representatives from member companies and half from Paderborn University.

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An overview of all SI-Lab staff at the SICP at Paderborn University.

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Con­tact per­sons

An overview of your contacts at the SI-Lab in the SICP at Paderborn University.

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Be­come part of our net­work

At the Software Innovation Campus Paderborn, companies, science and users research, design and develop software and data-driven innovations for the digitally networked society in a joint research campus.

Become part of our network and benefit from the advantages of interdisciplinary and cross-organizational collaboration. Our topics have a high practical relevance and enable you to recognize and apply the latest trends and developments in your industry.

Our range of services

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Your advantages

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Our member companies

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Make an ap­plic­a­tion

Careers in the SICP network: diversity and prospects!

Our network offers you a wide range of career opportunities: From positions as a student assistant, to scientific positions, to projects for final theses and doctorates. Our member companies also offer numerous attractive job opportunities.

Become part of our dynamic team and shape your future with us.

Calls for pro­pos­als SI-Lab

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Calls for pro­pos­als from our mem­bers

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