„What makes the SICP special is our great team and the explicit focus of all our activities on cooperation between science, business and society in order to produce future-oriented and sustainable software- and data-driven innovations that generate high benefits.”

Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauer,
Managing Director of the SICP

„Science can only shape a responsible digital future in cooperation with other social stakeholders. At the SICP, we conduct cutting-edge research that makes a difference: multidisciplinary, pioneering and with people at the center.”

Prof. Dr. Daniel Beverungen,
Chairman of the SI-Lab at the SICP

„Cooperation and innovation are indispensable in the modern working world, but often end at company boundaries. At the SICP, research and application meet at eye level in a lively network in which we exchange knowledge in a spirit of trust and develop together.”

Dr. Jan Hendrik Hausmann,
Managing Director S&N CQM GmbH

Premium membership is suitable for companies that want to further develop their competitive advantage and transformation goals at the highest level and position themselves as digital innovation leaders.

Plus membership is suitable for companies that want to intensify their innovation and transformation activities by benefiting from in-depth collaboration, targeted training and extended networking opportunities with leading industry players and talented students.

Basic membership is suitable for companies that want to strengthen their competitive edge by gaining access to the SICP as a high-calibre and powerful innovation ecosystem.

  • 31. März - 4. April: Hannover Messe (Halle 007, Stand A28)
  • 22. Mai: Paderborner IT-Empfang
  • 12. Juni: SICP Members Only!
  • 6. Juli: Nixdorf100 Sommerfest 
  • 09./10. September: 19. Tag der Paderborner IT Sicherheit
  • 30. September: SICP Symposium
  • 13. November: SICP Members Only!