5G learn­ing centres OWL

5G.NRW offers you important impulses for the conception and realisation of 5G applications on many levels - from information and concrete instructions to active project participation. You are cordially invited to benefit from this concentrated pool of services with easy access and rapid usability of 5G.


The aim of AI-DevAssist is to research methods that enable artificial intelligence to recognise vulnerabilities in order to prevent attacks on the software. The idea is to expand the existing research and development to include existing static and fuzzing analysis tools for recognising vulnerabilities.


The starting point is the sensory monitoring system for medium-voltage switchgear developed in the FLEMING project, which detects technical problems at component level. As part of the AProSys project, an optimised multifunctional variant of this system is being adapted for service life prediction.


The aim is to develop new methods and tools with which industrial goods companies can recognise and evaluate workarounds at an early stage and use them as part of structured change processes to achieve sustainable change.

Cli­mate bOWL

Increased awareness of sustainability among the population and rising energy costs mean that companies are increasingly focussing on the goal of climate neutrality. The first step is to improve the material and energy efficiency of companies. This is where the project comes in.


The overarching aim of the project is to drive forward the transformation of the current energy supply system to a sustainable structure characterised by renewable energy. An open-source simulation and benchmark framework is to be developed in the project.

Data room cul­ture

The "Networked cultural platforms" use case, as part of the Digital Strategy Germany lighthouse project and the Data Space Culture joint project, has the vision of creating a prototype digital data space for the cultural sector.


The DC2HEAT project aims to create a climate-friendly AI lighthouse for the use of waste heat from data centres using Frankfurt as an example. The aim is to avoid the use of fossil fuels to supply heat in Frankfurt and other regions in the future.

DiDoZ Etteln - Di­git­al vil­lage twin Etteln

In the funded project, 5G-based applications are being adapted from the urban environment and successfully transferred to rural regions. All isolated digital solutions are brought together on an open data platform. A digital twin is being created in conjunction with a virtual model of the village.


The aim of the 'DiSerHub' research project is to secure the competitiveness of the German automotive industry by establishing an information platform that contributes to the transfer of knowledge and networking of players in the automotive industry with a sustainable transformation concept.


The aim of the project is to support the energy-efficient refurbishment of apartment buildings in neighbourhoods with digital tools. This will include an AI-based energy manager that can predict and control energy demand and supply in the context of integrated solar heat pump systems across several flats and buildings.


The project is investigating the potential of green and distributed data centres, which represent a new approach to saving energy. For future high-performance computing, the project opens up the possibility of operating in a more decentralised, cost-optimised, reliable, flexible and environmentally friendly manner.


Ein interdisziplinäres Projektkonsortium entwickelt in FlexLabQuartier Lösungen unter technischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten, um Klimaschutz, Energiesicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit durch intelligente Vernetzung aller energierelevanten Faktoren in Quartieren zu verbinden.


The aim of the research project is to develop a digital decision support system as a central anchor for the planning and configuration of heat pump storage systems (HSS) for the resilient and efficient conversion and storage of heat.


In order to facilitate the use of digital tools, the HowToDIGITAL project team wants to take stock of what is available and analyse the problems and requirements in the development, implementation and use of new technologies in healthcare.


The KIAM competence centre is one of two projects selected from 47 applications in the BMBF's "Competence centres for work research" call for proposals. The competence centre "AI for the working world of industrial SMEs" (KIAM) will be launched on 1 October as part of the it's OWL cluster of excellence.

KoTeBi - Com­bin­at­or­i­al test­ing of TLS lib­rar­ies at all levels

The aim of the project "Combinatorial testing of TLS libraries at all levels (KoTeBi)" is to recognise and avoid vulnerabilities and compatibility problems during programming. In order to achieve this, the researchers will develop a system that enables end-to-end testing of programme libraries.


The joint project "NeMo.bil" is developing and prototyping an innovative, swarm-like mobility system. This enables a new form of sustainable and needs-based passenger and goods transport in rural areas.


A sustainable and efficient production line for the manufacture of press-hardened components is to be set up and validated on the basis of inductive heating. This is where the project "Regenerative energies for the efficient operation of a press hardening line" (Re²Pli) comes in.


Research and practice must develop new methods in order to effectively implement and continuously develop data-based service innovations. Orchestrating the players who have the necessary expertise, methodological skills and resources is crucial for the sustainable establishment of service ecosystems.


Eine gesunde und nachhaltige Ernährung ist für Kinder und Jugendliche nicht einfach. SMART-EAT simuliert klassische Situationen in virtueller und erweiterter Realität (VR/AR) und unterstützt Schüler*innen spielerisch bei ihrer Lebensmittelauswahl. Diese innovative Form der Kompetenzvermittlung soll auch in der Lehrkräfteausbildung verankert werden.