Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence

We research interdisciplinary issues relating to the design of AI-based solutions. We pursue a socio-technical approach and combine the latest technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing with social and societal competences.

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Di­git­al In­fra­struc­ture

Digital infrastructures are the basis of the digital transformation in business, education, healthcare, transport and administration. They enable innovation, increase efficiency and promote networking in a digital society. This area of expertise bundles research and expertise in technology and its challenges.

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Di­git­al Se­cur­ity

In the "Digital Security" field, we pool scientific expertise in research fields that deal with securing digital systems and data against threats and attacks. We research the fundamentals, applications and areas of influence of digital security for a secure digital world.

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Hu­man-centred di­git­al­ity

In the field of human-centred digitality, we bundle expertise in the development of human-centred digital solutions. Technologies must not only be functional and efficient, but also take human values and needs into account. Our focus areas include the promotion of digital skills, inclusion and usability.

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Soft­ware and Ser­vice Sys­tem En­gin­eer­ing

Modern software systems require the maximisation of reliability, efficiency and usability. This research area provides expertise on the development, deployment and management of such systems, as well as the necessary principles, methods and tools for their effective design.

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