The second milestone meeting in the Change.WorkAROUND research project took place at Zukunftsmeile 2 at the beginning of February. The project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is entering its third and final year.
The new EU Network and Information Security Directive (NIS 2 Directive) significantly tightens the IT security requirements for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The cooperation with a data centre operator as part of DC2HEAT is generating important findings that are of great importance for both research and practice.
Photo (Paderborn University, Kerstin Sellerberg): "DIGITALENTS" deal with the digital transformation of the economy and society as part of the Digital Talents Programme (DTP) and have the opportunity to build up their own network.
For the past three years, Paderborn University has been supporting particularly committed students with the Digital Talents Programme (DTP) who are involved in the digitalisation of the economy and society beyond their studies and who later aspire to a subject area or management career.
Photo (aixit): Dr Gunnar Schomaker (left) and Prof. Dr Stefan Sauer (both SICP) are delighted with the signing of the contract together with Holger Grauer from aixit (centre).
After paiqo GmbH, mindsquare AG and Haver & Boecker OHG became members of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn in recent months, one of the leading providers of digital infrastructures in Europe, aixit GmbH, has now joined the SICP.
Organisers and participants of the symposium at the innovation exhibition (from left): Dr. Christoph Weskamp and Prof. Dr. Stefan Sauer (both SICP), District Administrator Christoph Rüther and Jonathan Behm (NeMo e.V.)
Image rights: Marco Seidel
Innovative and networked solutions for the future of mobility in rural areas were the focus of the symposium organised by the transformation hub DiSerHub and Neue Mobilität Paderborn e.V. (NeMo).
The NeMo.bil project has been awarded the German Mobility Prize (DMP) in the "New Mobility Solutions" category. A high-calibre jury from industry and politics decided on the award, which was presented by Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing on Monday, 21 October.
Die neuesten Cab-Prototypen des Projekts NeMo.bil auf dem Paderborner Rathausplatz. Die elektrisch betriebenen und autonom fahrenden Leichtbaufahrzeuge werden auch auf dem Mobilitätssymposium ausgestellt.
Foto: Besim Mazhiqi
The symposium “The future of mobility in rural areas” on November 6 and 7 at Zukunftsmeile 2 is dedicated to solutions for driving forward the mobility transition.
On October 24 & 25, the annual conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. Fachgruppe HashtagArchitekturen in the GI Fachbereich HashtagSoftwaretechnik will take place in the Zukunftsmeile 2!
The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn invites you to this year's SICP Symposium on Tuesday, September 24, in Paderborn's Zukunftsmeile 2 in order to promote the exchange between science and business on the forward-looking topic of “data spaces”. The event will focus on the question of how to develop a competitive data economy that preserves digital sovereignty in Germany and Europe. Participation is free of charge. Registration is open…
The “Digital Security” competence area of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn invites you to the 18th “Paderborn IT Security Day” on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 3 and 4. In presentations and workshops, numerous experts will shed light on current IT security topics and issues from a scientific and economic perspective - for example, “Online Identity and Access Management”, “Cybersecurity Awareness” or “Communicating…
The subject of the work to date has been the determination of requirements with regard to technical and data-related requirements in order to optimize and control energy requirements through the systematic use and optimization of excess heat and heat requirements in industrial production processes.