Pader­born IT Se­cur­ity Day

IT security is a highly complex subject area and is becoming increasingly important. The range of requirements is constantly growing, as the field of information technology is characterised by rapid developments, for example in the form of new software products or new technologies. It is often difficult to keep pace with rapid developments and to adapt IT security structures or avoid security gaps. In order to stay up to date, a regular transfer of information and exchange of experience across organisations is all the more important.

Originating from the "Industry meets IT" forum, the annual Paderborn IT Security Day offers interested parties from universities and industry the opportunity to find out about current IT security topics and exchange experiences. The event lasts two days, with keynote speeches as well as scientific, technical and application-related presentations on IT security topics on the first day. On the second day of the event, there will be the opportunity to participate interactively in themed workshops. There will be a total of six workshops to choose from.

The event is organised by the Digital Security competence area of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn. The IT Security Day is supported by the InnoZent OWL e. V. innovation network and the OWL regional group of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (German Informatics Society). There is no charge for participating in the event.

The organisation team of the IT Security Day is looking forward to welcoming you to the next event on the Paderborn University campus and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the IT Security Day.

Man­age­ment team

Office: O4.258
Phone: +49 5251 60-6651

Office: F1.125
Phone: +49 5251 60-6563

Office: F2.311
Phone: +49 5251 60-6688

Office: F2.315
Phone: +49 5251 60-6690

Senior Researcher

Con­tact Con­tents

business-card image

Dr. Simon Oberthür

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

R&D Manager - Digital Security

Write email +49 5251 60-6822

Con­tact or­gan­isa­tion

business-card image

Gabriele Stall

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

Assistenz, Sachbearbeitung

Write email +49 5251 60-6818