We re­search soft­ware in­nov­a­tions of the fu­ture

The SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn sees itself as a place for research and innovation,
knowledge transfer and personnel development.

It is motivated by the particular importance of software for an increasingly networked society. In order to overcome the technical challenges and achieve the professional goals , a new cooperation model for research and innovation is being developed that builds on the existing strengths and competences of the members involved and implements the idea of a research campus.

We see this close co-operation between industry and science as a key success factor in the transfer of research results into marketable innovations .

The technical objective of the SICP is to generate software-driven innovations and to accelerate the development of highly networked, software-intensive systems for innovative products, solutions and services. Process engineering innovations in the development of such systems are also to be developed for this purpose. The focus here is on cross-industry innovations that are only made possible through the use of IT, software and modern information and communication technologies (ICT).

The tasks therefore include stimulating software-driven innovations and identifying and analysing technological developments and the potential of using innovative software solutions in different industries and application domains. Relevant requirements and boundary conditions must be recorded. From this, innovative software-intensive systems are derived, which are successively researched, developed and evaluated.