The com­plete pro­gramme

Venue: University of Paderborn, SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn, Zukunftsmeile 2, 33102 Paderborn

Site plan

Scientific-technical and application-oriented lectures

09:30 Reception

10:00 Welcome: Prof. Dr. Juraj Somorovsky, University of Paderborn

10:15 Keynote:

  • "Email Security in 2022"
    Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schinzel, Münster University of Applied Sciences

11:15 Coffee break

11:45 Scientific and technical presentations:

  • "Human factors everywhere: A qualitative investigation into trust and security in open source projects"
    Dominik Wermke, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security Saarbrücken
  • "Maschinelles Lernen für die automatische Seitenkanalanalyse"
    Dr. Claudia Priesterjahn, achelos GmbH Paderborn

12:45 Lunch Break

14:00 SAST Tools Session:

  • "Codyze - a viable SAST tool for evaluators, not developers?"
    Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Rosenthal, TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH TÜViT Essen
  • "The one spec to rule them all: The power of allow-listing API specifications in secure coding"
    Prof. Dr. Eric Bodden, University of Paderborn/Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Design IEM Paderborn

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Application-oriented short presentations:

  • "Sind die klassischen Ansätze zur kennwortbasierten Authentifizierung auch bei Kindern geeignet?"
    Tuba Hemker, Gesamtschule Gronau, Prof. Dr. Erik Tews, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
  • "Over-the-air Updates - Wie bändige ich die Remote Code Execution auf meinen Devices?"
    Dr. Erik Derr, comlet Verteilte Systeme GmbH Zweibrücken
  • "Vorstellung BREATH Studie (Behavioral responses to a cyberattack in a hospital environment)"
    Dr. Markus Willing, St. Vincenz-Krankenhaus GmbH Paderborn

17:00 Networking with refreshments

18:00 Dinner (optional, at own expense):

Restaurant First Floor
Westernmauer 38
33098 Paderborn

Venue: University of Paderborn, SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn, Zukunftsmeile 2, 33102 Paderborn

Site plan

Interactive workshops, practical presentations, exchange of experiences

09:00 Get-together

09:20 Welcome: Prof. Dr. Patricia Arias Cabarcos, University of Paderborn

09:30 Keynote:

  • "Eine resiliente Security Infrastruktur"
    Dr. Dietmar Guhe, Arvato Supply Chain Solutions SE Gütersloh

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Presentation of the workshops: Dr. Simon Oberthür, SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn

11:30 Workshops 1 - 3 in parallel:

  • "Informationssicherheit einführen und managen mit CISIS12"
    Prof. Dr. Jörg-Michael Keuntje, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
  • "Bedrohungsanalyse-Workshop"
    Roman Trentinaglia, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronics Design Technology IEM Paderborn
  • "Welche Rolle haben Produktmanager und Product Owner im Kontext Software Security inne und wie trainiert man dies?"
    Dr. Stefan Dziwok, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Design IEM Paderborn / Björn Gorniak, Connext Communication GmbH Paderborn

13:30 Lunch break

14:15 Workshops 4 - 6 in parallel:

  • "Die Hacker kommen! Sind wir noch zu retten?"
    Dirk Reimers / Jonas Tebroke, secunet Security Networks AG
  • "Business Continuity Management"
    Thomas Biere, Federal Office for Information Security BSI Bonn
  • "IT-Sicherheit als Kulturfrage"
    Michael Kemkes, InnoZent OWL e. V. Paderborn

16:15 Highlights and Lessons Learned

16:45 Networking / End of event

Con­tact per­son con­tent

business-card image

Dr. Simon Oberthür

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

R&D Manager - Digital Security

Write email +49 5251 60-6822

Con­tact per­son or­gan­isa­tion

business-card image

Gabriele Stall

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

Assistenz, Sachbearbeitung

Write email +49 5251 60-6818