3. SICP Stu­dents' Day 2022

My workplace 

Sustainable | Innovative | Diverse.

Are you studying computer science, computer engineering, business informatics, economics or related courses of study and are interested in finding out about your future job and your future working environment in a relaxed atmosphere and personal exchange? Are you looking for a thesis, a job in a corporate or university environment, as a working student, trainee or young professional? You want to find out which job profiles are right for you or you already have a specific position in mind and would like to have professional feedback on your application strategy? You want to know what constitutes sustainable, innovative and future-oriented work and discuss mutual expectations from the employer's and employee's point of view? 

Then discover the diverse opportunities for your career start with the specialist groups and companies of the SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn and get your career booster at the 3rd SICP Students' Day!

What's "in it" for you? 

  • Get to know the professional worlds of our companies and Paderborn University  

  • Apply for possible theses, internships and jobs. 

  • Discuss your application strategy with experts from the University's Career Service and get exclusive tips and tricks for your next application. 

  • Experience the research and projects of Paderborn University and partner companies at the SICP through various demonstrators. 

  • Learn everything you need to know for a successful application or job interview in practice-oriented workshops. 

  • Find out what companies expect from you as an applicant. 

  • Make first contacts or expand your existing network with representatives of companies in the region and the University of Paderborn in a relaxed atmosphere at the "Eat & Meet". 

Come to Zukunftsmeile 2 on 26 April 2022 from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. and find out about your working world of tomorrow in talks, lectures, interactive workshops and demonstrators. 


Workshop 1 - Miele
Digital Super Power - Die Skills für deine Bewerbung (15.00 - 16.30 Uhr)

Wir geben dir das Skillset für dein Social Media Profil an die Hand, von Tipps zu einem überzeugenden LinkedIn Auftritt bis hin zu kleinen Hacks zur Sichtbarkeit. Denn: Brauchen wir die klassische Bewerbung heute eigentlich noch? Das alles erfahrt ihr von unserem Yoda of Talent Acquisition Sascha Mossner. 

Also: Vorbeikommen ihr sollt!

Workshop 2 - Weidmüller
Karriere Insights: Frag einen HR-Profi (16.30 - 18.00 Uhr)

„Du bist gerade dabei, Dich zu bewerben und fragst Dich, ob es reicht, nur Deinen Lebenslauf einzureichen? Und wie findest Du überhaupt den richtigen Arbeitgeber für Dich? Oder Du hast bereits Erfahrung als Werkstudent oder aus dem Praktikum und fragst Dich, welche Soft-Skills sind in der Arbeitswelt besonders gefragt?

Unser Workshop "Karriere Insights: Frag einen HR-Profi" bietet Dir die Möglichkeit, direkt mit einem erfahrenen HR-Experten zu sprechen und all Deine Fragen zu stellen. Ob es Fragen zu Themen wie Bewerbungsoptimierung, Vorbereitung Bewerbungsgespräch, Karriereentwicklung, Arbeitsbedingungen, Gehaltsverhandlungen oder vielem mehr sind, nutze die Gelegenheit, praktische Tipps und wertvolle Insights zu bekommen, damit du Deine Karriereziele erfolgreich erreichen kannst.“


We ask for your understanding that due to the currently valid Corona regulations, 3G proof is required for participation in our event. Before entering the event premises, we therefore ask you to present a corresponding proof (tested, vaccinated, recovered) in combination with your identity card (only visual check, no storage). We ask you to observe the general hygiene measures. If you experience symptoms of an acute respiratory illness, we kindly ask you to stay away from the event in consideration of others.