Call for Lec­tures & Work­shops

!!! Please only register via our online form if you are interested in becoming a speaker at the IT Security Day 2024 !!!

Dear interested party,

Are you currently working on an innovative and/or current topic in the field of IT security? Would you like to share and discuss this knowledge with other experts and interested parties from business, academia and administration? If you can answer "yes" to both of these questions, we would be delighted to have you as a speaker or workshop leader for the IT Security Day 2024. If you are interested, please provide us with information about yourself and your presentation or workshop topic via our online form. You can find the times of the individual programme items in the following programme schedule.

We ask for your understanding that we will have to make a selection if we receive a large number of submissions, so it is possible that your lecture or workshop topic will not be considered for the upcoming event. For organisational reasons, we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible. Thank you very much!

We look forward to your feedback!

Pro­gramme scheme

First day of the event (Tue., 03.09.2024)


Time of day Programme item
09:30 Reception
10:00 Welcome
10:15 Keynote 1
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Scientific-technical presentation 1
12:15 Scientific-technical lecture 2
12:45 Lunch break
14:00 Keynote 2
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Application-oriented short presentation 1
16:00 Application-oriented short lecture 2
16:30 Application-oriented short lecture 3
17:00 Networking with drinks
18:00 Optional: Dinner (restaurant)


Second day of the event (Wed., 04.09.2024)


Time of day Programme item
09:00 Get-together and welcome
09:30 Keynote 3
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Presentation of the workshops
11:30 Workshops 1 - 3 in parallel
13:30 Lunch break
14:15 Workshops 4 - 6 parallel
16:15 Highlights and lessons learned
16:45 End of the event


business-card image

Dr. Simon Oberthür

Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (SICP)

R&D Manager - Digital Security

Write email +49 5251 60-6822